Here's a link to one of my favorite videos. Its very funny, and a nice save on the part of Teal Wicks.
Well, scratch that. It appears the person who posted it got their account suspended. Now the video is in online purgatory...
What happened was: When Teal lifted the trapdoor to u=yell at Dorothy, her dress got caught as she closed it. She turned to walk away and realized it was caught. Then she raises the trapdoor and SLAMS it even harder and gets angry. It was a very good save, and funny.
I'll see if I can get it on youtube since I have a realplayer copy of it. But don't expect this anytime soon.
Its a compilation of a whole bunch of videos of Wicked, edited so that when the camera pans away or the character turns she's replaced by another actress doing the role. Its very clever.
Critter - Yeah basically it is multiple clips of the funniest parts of many different performances. I will also attempt to get them on a source other than youtube for you.
AWO - You better try to get that clip online. I def. need to see it!! lol