Hey there I'm new (just in case you couldn't tell ).
AWO invited me to join.
I love the Stuttgart cast of Wicked, but sadly I still need to find a way to get the OST cast recording. I love to go around singing Die böse Hexe des Ostens/The Wicked Witch of the East.
Hilf mir, hab Erbarmen mit dem guten Moq, dem Armen Begleit mich bis mein Herz erstarrt im Frost Allein und ungeliebt Ich und das Mädchen im Spiegel nur sie und ich die böse Hexe des Ostens Zwei die sich verdienen
Willemijn, Nicole, and Lucy S. are the greatest Elphie, Nessa, and Glinda.
Save him, please just save him
My poor Boq, my sweet, my brave him
Don't leave me till my sorry life has ceased
Alone and loveless here
With just the girl in the mirror
Just her and me
The Wicked Witch of the East
We deserve each other
It's just a fun song to sing in both languages. I love Wicked and I've seen the show twice in LA, both on my birthday August 5. The first time was with Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty, and the second time was with Teal Wicks and Erin Mackey. I'd really like to go to the final performance, but I would have to figure out how to get myself to and from Hollywood on a Sunday night when I have school the next day. *flails momentarily*
Well, besides that, I'm interested in the technical backstage aspects of theatre, love reading and writing, write Wicked fanfiction, and make videos on YouTube related to Wicked. Also, I have bouts of randomness and/or sarcasm. I'm a moderator on the Gregory Maguire discussion boards.
That's all that I can think of. Sweet Lurline that's a long introduction! Well, hi there everybody!