I thought instead of posting new threads all the time for videos of youtube or otherwise we could just have one permenant one to share our videos which can be of course Wicked or otherwise. Tell me what you think of this idea?
I'll start off with this funny video I found of the two actresses Amanda Harrison and Lucy Durack, (Elphaba and Glinda) from the Australian cast doing a sing-a-long of One Short Day with fans. In which they imitate the 9 second costume change and running out on stage.
They did a short practice with the fans at the start which is why it seems to start and then start again.
-- Edited by Critter on Thursday 9th of July 2009 08:22:03 AM
Actually thats Jemma Rix. Amanda's stand by. I think Amanda was sick for a while.
You were right the first time- that is Amanda in the video and Jemma Rix is the standby :) Although poor Amanda has been very sick lately. There is also a sing along OSD video from the 1st birthday celebrations that is of Jemma, Lucy, Rob and some ensemble members and children that were in the 'audience.'
I love those two videos :) Especially the Bogan WITF :D
Ha thanks for the correction. I thought it was Amanda, it certainly looked like her but then I read someone saying it was Jemma and I got confused. As for the bogan vid "my mullets curlin" lol. enough said. And yay for being the first apart from me to post in this thread, finally someones picking it up.
Haha I love it at the start where Lucy is like "wait that was a bit New Zealandish' aha. Some countries cant tell the difference but we certainly can. The whole thing is such typical Australian humour as well. Perfect.
Haha youre right that is a funny interview. I love the slap thing. And when Amanda is asked if green is her favourite colour "it was" haha. I love that they called it a scrag fight instead of a catfight. Ive definatly watched the David and Kim ones. They were pretty good.
Haha AWO it sure is. And if you watch that video you'll see a whole lot more of it, the bogan one that is. By the way are you proud I found us a new member haha.
Scrag haha? Have you watched the bogan vid yet? You may end up even more confused. I suppose scrag would be like a bogan term for someone you hate, but usually a female. so like bitch or something. But to tell you the truth Im not quite sure myself. Theres lots of different types of aussie slang and I try not to speak fezza speak myself. Which can be hard coming from this town sometimes.
Yes. Exactly like Sooka in Russia.... I think. Since I dont actually know any Russian. And since the few words I learnt while I was there have left my memory banks completely.
Haha Ive been too busy staying fluent in Aussie slang to keep up with my Russian. By the way I was just looking at the dog tag that I have on a necklace that Im wearing. Got it from an army shop in St Petersburg. I know your interested in a lot of that type of stuff and they have some awesome ones. Ill try find you a picture.
heres an awesome list of them with pictures:http://www.tridentmilitary.com/RUSSIANMILITARIA/Russian.dogtags.html
The one I have is (RDT92.Russian dog tag for Land Forces)
Its amazing how off topic we can get. Thats cool. I only got one dog tag and I had to get the chain back here becuase the store had run out. I didnt have enough rubels for two at the time unfortunatly.