Mine's Siiri, pronounced something like "See-re" with, uh, a "rolling r" (I looked that up at Wikipedia :D). It's a pretty usual name for little girls these days, but it wasn't so usual when I was born. It's developed from Sigrid and this web site I found says Sigrid means victory & beautiful. Hehe.
and there's nothing wrong with having normal names, at least they don't get butchered. Everyone knows how Nicole is said. Maribel on the other hand. I'm sure Siiri gets butchered a lot too.
Currently: Eponine- Les Miserables
Previously: Mary Phagan- Parade Tiger Lily- Peter Pan Hero- Much Ado About Nothing Mary- The Secret Garden Nickie- Sweet Charity
Well thank you. I think both Maribel and Siiri are lovely names too, they sound exotic and exciting. I wish I had something a little different though. There were always two Nicole's in my classes, so I ended up going by my last name. My sister's lucky, she has a name you very rarely hear... Jenae.
My parents like the letter 'y', so my younger siblings and I all have a 'y' in either our first or middle name. It's pretty much Kendall, but with a 'y' instead of an 'e'.
Well...not really. It's pronounced sort of like kindle (as in kindle a fire) but with more of an 'al' (like the a in car) sound at the end.
Misspellings of my name include: Kendall, Kendal, Kindel, Kindle, Kindal, Kyndel, Kendil, Kyndal, Kindol...and several others that people in their infinite creativity have come up with.
I love the tibetan fox. Everything about it. The way it moves, the shape of its head and body and its face and everything its just awesome. Its sort of unusual looking, I think it looks really clever though. Like a wise creature.