Ive recently been playing in our Arcade and love it! all the classic games are great. ive never been in a forum with an arcade like that. My favourite is Asteroids. can we add more in? i think it would be cool if we got copter. Have you played in our arcade? whats your favourite games?
p.s if someone figures out that pipe game then let me know
I'm glad you like the arcade! My favorite game is snake! Love it! But we cant add more games because It only lets you have a certain amount and a certain amount you can choose from.
lol! Critter- LOVE your idea! We should so do that! Now we just need to figure out what game to do it on.. What do yall think? Also I will try to erase all the highscores so then it would be more fair.
yeah me too. we need to figure out how we will do it. erase all the high scores and pick maybe 2 or 3 different games. then get a certain amount of turns each or something