i don't want to stir up controversy so let's all respect eachothers beliefs on this, eh?
So today in my history class we were talking about religion and we took an anonymous poll in the class to see what different religions people identified as. I was really suprised with the results, at least 10 different religons came up. I don't know i've always found religion really interesting and i think it's cool that people identify with so many different ones.
So do you consider yourself part of a religion? I'm a devout Catholic through and through. I was raised that way so that definitely has a lot to do with it but i think even if i hadn't been it'd still be the religion i relate to the most. I was baptized as a baby in Spain in this huge church that was like 700 years old. And i've been to church nearly every sunday since then. It's a big part of my life but i don't let it takeover and i don't talk about it much outside of church. I hate the idea of forcing your religion on to other people.
Currently: Eponine- Les Miserables
Previously: Mary Phagan- Parade Tiger Lily- Peter Pan Hero- Much Ado About Nothing Mary- The Secret Garden Nickie- Sweet Charity
I'm the son of a preacher man. *song reference, if you didn't catch it that's okay* My grandma is a preacher too.
Our denomination is United Methodist, which I really identify with.
Fun fact: I was baptized with water from the Jordan River, the Biblical location of Jesus' baptism.
I don't take the whole Bible literally (example: Revelation). My dad has studied the Bible in Divinity School and other courses and believes Revelation is simply a writing John wrote in code saying that times were tough, but in the end Good would triumph over Evil (the Babylonian Empire being the evil in that time).
I'm pretty religious, but I'm by no means ignorant or closed-minded. I have Jewish, Hindu, and Agnostic friends. I've even attended a Bahai Faith service as a part of a friend's Senior Project on Religious Tolerance and toured a temple.
I'm not one of those people you hear of that think their way is the only way. They are closed-minded and stubborn.
I'm Protestant Christian. Presbyterian denomination. My aunt is a minister.
I generally don't talk about religion. I have friends who are Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, and atheist & bisexual. We don't talk religion since we'd never agree. Strangely enough we all seem to agree on politics.
I'm a Jehovah's witness AKA the ppl who don't celebrate any holidays and come to your door on saturday and sunday mornings
I consider it more a way of life than a religion cause with the faith comes a certain way of living and rules and things like that, granted i'm not a hard core Witness cause my mom was disfellowshipped so i've stopped going to meetings(Chruch)
Oh i've heard of that but i don't know much about it. I don't think they have a lot of them outside the states? Sounds interesting though.
catholic school rant: Yeah I went to catholic school up until high school and it was interesting and i don't really regret it but going to a non denominational school now is really really nice. Like in catholic school i remember we had these two sisters who were both Jewish and they got teased a lot just because they were different. I mean when you grow up in an environment where everyone around you is the same religion it's hard to keep an open mind about anyone else. Though catholic school in Spain was about 10x worse and way more hardcore. We were basically taught that if you weren't catholic you were going to hell (which i don't believe at all) and we were taught by nuns who were really scary and mean.
Currently: Eponine- Les Miserables
Previously: Mary Phagan- Parade Tiger Lily- Peter Pan Hero- Much Ado About Nothing Mary- The Secret Garden Nickie- Sweet Charity
ugh yeah that's terrible. I hate people like that because they give people misconceptions about the bible and all that. and she shouldn't put her kids through that.
Currently: Eponine- Les Miserables
Previously: Mary Phagan- Parade Tiger Lily- Peter Pan Hero- Much Ado About Nothing Mary- The Secret Garden Nickie- Sweet Charity
i remember when i first heard of her, i got so mad that they protested and dead soldiers funerals How disrespectful is that. I sweear when one of her kids dies, I"M gonna be at the funeral PROTESTING!
Haha I was about to say... never heard of that before. I have a lot of gay friends myself some of whom are religious themselves. But its more like Christianity etc, not gay as a religion.
There are so many different interpretations of the Bible...
And the "anti-gay" passages that people refer to were written by Paul, who some people find writings of such questionable. Paul is never said to have gotten married...for all we know he could've been gay. The "thorn in his side" he was referring to may have been his sexuality he couldn't deal with (total speculation).
The passages I can think of go something like:
"Do not sleep with another man, for that is detestable."
"And they were filled with sinly desire." - Context before and after implying desire for fellow men.