I've always wanted to see Australia. It has a sort of mystique to it in the States.
I gather there are interesting foods as well. After watching a show about bizarre foods on the Travel Channel, I felt a desire to try crocodile and kangaroo. I am a serious carnivore you see.
Don't hesitate to drop by if you're in Washington DC. There's a lot of museums for free, and a train ride can get you up to New York to see Wicked.
Ah nice. Yeah Washington seems like an interesting place. As far as Australian food goes we dont really have that much thats interesting. Its pretty much the same as most western countries. Although Kangaroo is widley available at any supermarker, im not sure where you would get crocodile though. I know its available but its not as easy to find as roo. Then we have things like milo and tim tams and vegemite which are australian foods.
A lot of hair. When I was in South Dakota this year I saw some very close up. I also saw some wild donkeys that came up and started to lick the car windows. I really wanted to roll it down and pet them, but our driver advised against it.
Yeah I dont reckon they would appriciate it that much. Most Australian native animals are small. Like koalas and kangaroos and platypus and stuff. awesome animals though. I only saw platypus in the wild for the first time last year. smaller than I thought they would be but SO cute.
They are absolutly adorable little things. Deadly poisinous as a lot of australian animals are in some way or another of course. Probably a good thing. Would stop people getting too close to wild ones.
haha not exactly pets. Both Platypus and Kangaroo's can kill you, while Koalas are a bit more docile they are terribly loud. I dont know if youve ever heard a koala or not but its not pleasant. A baby Koala sounds like a human child screaming in pain (not what you want to hear in the middle of the night out on school camps...very creepy), and the adults just have this terrible loud grunting snorting sound. Its amazing how something so small and cute can sound so loud and scary.
No Kookaburras are amazing and I love listening to them. I could never get sick of that sound. I love camping and hearing the birds wake up and start singing in the morning, and all the Kookaburras coming from all the trees starting from about 4 or 5 in the morning and going until about 7. Its a very nice thing to wake up to.
I once saw a raven with one foot dive into a trash can and come out with a bag of fast food. He then proceeded to open it and pull out the food. Smart bird.
Yeah that is cool. We have a lot of different types of birds of prey here. I know you have Bald eagles and stuff in america. hey are cool. I think our most famous is the wedge tailed eagle becuase its one of the largest eagle species in the world.